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My name is Silvan Massarotti, I am 28 years old and a certified fitness/nutrition coach and owner of Athletic Fitness Bern AG with more than 10 years of experience in weight training/fitness sports.Since then it has been my passion to help people transform themselves into the best physical self.When I started weight training at the age of 18, I had no great knowledge of nutrition or strength training. In order to keep getting better over the years, I gradually acquired more knowledge and experience, and optimized my training and my diet again and again. At the beginning I didn't implement a lot of things optimally and went through a lot of nonsensical splits, unnecessary supplements and forms of nutrition. And you can avoid exactly these mistakes with my help, because I know them and know what you have to pay attention to. 

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meanwhileI have a wide range of specialist knowledge through years of daily self-directed further training, reading articles and books, attending seminars and completing numerous training courses and certificates. I have completed all of these training courses with the leading provider in Switzerland, the Sports Academy of Fitness and Sports , completed- including the AusTraining to become a nutrition coach, workout trainer, fitness trainer, fitness supervisor, customer advisor, sales manager and service manager. 




Much more important than pure theory, however, is years of daily practice in training, nutrition, mindset and lifestyle, which is enormously important when it comes to muscle building, fat loss and lifestyle. You won't reach your goals just by reading books and theory, the knowledge has to be applied.




Your training plans, goals, values and progress are recorded with my app. So you have your training plan at hand at all times and are ready to go. Don't worry, your data is well protected! Only you and me have access to your data and your coaching. As your coach, I have an overview of your training and progress at all times. In addition, you will find over 5000 exercise videos, evaluations, community portals and much more!



Your nutrition plans, goals, values and progress are recorded with my app. You can track meals, scan products by barcode, view your meal plans, and control your calorie, macronutrient intake. As a coach, I also have access to your nutritional data and can therefore support you optimally for your goal!

Silvan Massarotti Personal Training Coaching APP
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