My name is Silvan Massarotti, I am 28 years old and a certified fitness/nutrition coach and owner of Athletic Fitness Bern AG with more than 10 years of experience in weight training/fitness sports.Since then it has been my passion to help people transform themselves into the best physical self.When I started weight training at the age of 18, I had no great knowledge of nutrition or strength training. In order to keep getting better over the years, I gradually acquired more knowledge and experience, and optimized my training and my diet again and again. At the beginning I didn't implement a lot of things optimally and went through a lot of nonsensical splits, unnecessary supplements and forms of nutrition. And you can avoid exactly these mistakes with my help, because I know them and know what you have to pay attention to.

Personal training gets the most out of training! Whether it's the first step towards more exercise and health or to take your personal fitness and athleticism to the next level. Individual and goal-oriented training that challenges you and makes you better. You determine the content and time, I adapt to your wishes and needs.
1 x Personal Training CHF 130.-* / 160.-
5 x Personal Training CHF 600.-*/ 750.-
10 x Personal Training CHF 1'150.-* / 1'450.-
20 x Personal Training CHF 2'200.-* / 2'800.-
40 x Personal Training CHF 4'200.-* / 5'400.-
* Angebot für Mitglieder von Athletic Fitness
Jetzt kostenloses Erstgespräch vereinbaren!
Well-planned training is the cornerstone for many positive changes in the body: muscles and joints, metabolism, hormone balance or the cardiovascular system. Stop wasting time and energy on inefficient 0-8-15 plans and wrong workouts!
Training planning that is individually tailored to you, including adaptation and constant check-ups for optimal results in the shortest possible time!
Fitnesspackage CHF 130.-* / 160.-
Bedarfsabklärung inkl. Trainingsplanung
Individuelle Beratung und Einführung
InBody Messung und Auswertung
* Angebot für Mitglieder von Athletic Fitness
Jetzt kostenloses Erstgespräch vereinbaren!

Fat loss, muscle building, health: Targeted nutrition doesn't have to have anything to do with hunger or sacrifice if you pay attention to a few simple things and know what really matters.
Flexible nutrition without giving up to achieve your goal in the best possible way and without much effort!
Jetzt kostenloses Erstgespräch vereinbaren!